It is my great pleasure to introduce the 23rd FINA World Junior Diving Championships to be held from December 2-9, 2021, in Kyiv (UKR) at the LIKO Sport Centre.
This competition is taking place in an Olympic year, following the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games during which the world has witnessed outstanding diving performances and top-notch competition. Veteran and emerging divers have demonstrated their sense of fair-play and Olympic spirit by offering a true spectacle.
Diving, a breathtaking discipline, has tremendously flourish over the recent years: the inclusion of the Team Event in the World Championships Programme, the ever-growing participation in the yearly FINA Diving World Series, the prestigious Diving Grand Prix circuit and the well-attended FINA Judges Schools and Clinics are some of the numerous examples of this rapid development.
The FINA World Junior Diving Championships play a critical role within this context: it gives a unique opportunity to the young talents to be revealed and create awareness among the youth about this highly technical discipline.
The World Junior Championships are returning to Kyiv after a successful edition in 2018, which served as qualifier for the Youth Olympic Games 2018 in Buenos Aires.
Initially scheduled in 2020, the Championships’ age groups will allow participation from athletes aged as follows: Group A: 17, 18 and 19 Group B 15 and 16.
The ages raised by one year will avoid to further penalise divers that saw their event postponed to 2021.
I have no doubt that with the support of the Local Organising Committee, the local authorities, the spectators, the media representatives and the sponsors, these Championships will be a huge success and will represent a milestone in the history of this major competition.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the Ukrainian Diving Federation for the tremendous work and full commitment in hosting the 23rd FINA World Junior Diving Championships in Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv.
I wish the best of luck to all participating athletes, coaches and officials!

Captain Husain Al-Musallam
FINA President